Garden's plans

There’s so much I want to write about that it’s really hard to pick what to start with. Even in the context of a digital garden, where you don’t have to finish a note you’re working on… you still have to start somewhere.

As a start, I asked a few friends about which topics I’m knowledgeable about, and/or topics they would enjoy reading if I wrote about them (without talking about this digital garden yet). Here are all the responses:

  • Code Optimisation in Web: How to optimize groundbreaking experiences and keep those running well. — Shinu
  • How to make in-game downloadable content: Explaining the basics of serving additional assets for a game over the web, and optionally securing the transfer. — Ky_Dash
  • How Cloud infrastructures work: How environments such as OpenStack can be used to migrate off your own monoserver to a much more convenient infrastructure. — oatmealine
  • My process behind making Web design: How do I start from nothing and end up with a website with neat effects and backgrounds without sacrificing UX. — TaroNuke
  • Webserver configuration: How components such as PHP-FPM or node.js servers can interact with servers such as nginx or Apache, and my tips to properly configure those. — CERiNG
  • “anything you say about PHP”: …Alright! I’ll do my best for that one! — XeroOl
  • Tips to make websites with dynamic contents without pulling your hair: What’s my own way of doing dynamic websites with as little hassle as possible. (Hint: it does not involve much JS) — Aura

This experience has been very useful to get some base ideas (thanks everyone 🧡). Here are a few additional topics I might write about:

  • Why is it so hard to change your ways of doing things: And talking about my experiences trying to switch to new software.
  • My experience with Home Assistant: A smart home is really freakin’ cool when you actually make it useful instead of gimmicky, and it’s tougher to reach than you might think.
  • Respecting users’ privacy as a website administrator: Best practises to gain people’s trust and not be an asshole.
  • How to make macOS bearable: My personal collection of tools, tricks, and scripts to make efficient workflows.
  • Social media and their actual social aspect fading away: How bad they became and how to keep yourself in a great shape.
  • My Code Golfing experience: My own experience writing insanely short code for fun.

There will very, very likely be new notes appearing before some of the ideas here. Some of these ideas might even be scrapped completely!

Who knows how this garden will grow. ✨

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