Garden's origins

Hi there! 👋

Welcome to my digital garden. I’m aiming for this place to be a comfy place for myself to write about whatever crosses my mind.

I always love writing lengthy posts about any topic anyone is interested in. However, a few problems have been occurring more and more, because of the fact that the vast majority of these talks were happening through Discord:

  • While the platform has obvious discoverability issues, its lack of proper tools for writing text also plays a lot.
  • When something similar was being asked by different parties, it was often cumbersome to find again something I had written a long time ago, to then carefully copy parts by parts (as there often was screenshots between messages).
  • At the end of the day, some people actually were porting some of my guides over other platforms, like Notion. So why bother writing them in Discord in the first place?

I had tried Notion for a while, and it’s been really great (I mean… What else would you expect from someone switching from a messaging platform to an actual note-taking one?), but I still wasn’t satisfied with some of its limitations:

  • No text alignment? Seriously?
  • Lack of footnotes?
  • Lack of tables flexibility, and styling (e.g. background colors)

And of course, how could I forget about HTML? It would be so nice to be able to put some interactive demos here and there, or inline effects to show about anything.

All of this is why I’m finally trying to maintain my own Digital Garden. I wanted to have some sort of blog for years, and social media for sure ain’t it. Also, the overall process of being able to start a note and not having to finish it is quite comfortable since it allows much more flexibility in your way of working.
I love sharing knowledge and I hope this will be as much of a cozy zone for you as it is for me.

If you’re interested by the future, please give a look at my plans for this place. Thank you for reading! :)

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